Drinks and Nibbles
Thursday 21st March 7.30pm
at the S’Mart PTA AGM
All parents, caregivers and whanau are invited to join us in the School Hall for drinks, nibbles and great conversation!
There will be a general update on the school rebuild and landscaping plan along with an overview of the PTA’s ideas for 2019. This is a great opportunity to discover what your PTA does and how you might like to be involved. New faces are always welcome and we’d especially love to see you if you’re new to the school.
Please come and share your ideas about what you’d like to see our PTA do, what you’d like to raise funds for or how you might like to be involved.
We are a dedicated group that achieves lots for our school. This includes the school disco, regular afterschool BBQs, movie nights, second-hand uniform sales, working bees, quiz nights and lots of other community and fundraising events. Join us at the AGM to find out more!
Cheeses on the night kindly supplied by Barry’s Bay Cheeses – Many thanks!
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday, 21st March, 7.30pm, in the School Hall.