Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Following the announcement from the Prime Minister on Monday, we will remain at Alert Level 2 until at least Sunday 6 September 2020.
Just a reminder that while everyone is onsite at Alert Level 2, we must adhere to key health measures including:
- Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette
- Staying away if sick
- Keeping the appropriate physical distance from others
- Cleaning and disinfecting our high touch surfaces daily
- Displaying QR code posters at our entrances and encouraging all of our community to download the NZ COVID Tracer App and use it if they come onsite
- Keeping a register for those that enter the classrooms.
We know all these things will help to keep our community as safe as possible. Because of these measures, your child does not need to wear a face covering while at school. We will of course support them should they choose to do so. The Minister of Health will give us further information on Thursday regarding face coverings and if they are needed for students travelling as a group on a bus.
As we remain at Alert L2 a number of events we had planned have been cancelled or postponed. Although this is quite disappointing we recognise the need to remain positive that there will be future events coming up we can look forward to.
- Y5 – 8 Canterbury Cross Country postponed to Wednesday 9th September
- School Disco postponed to Friday 11th September
- Y5 / 6 Literacy quiz postponed to November
- Y0 – Y4 Swim Safe week postponed to Term 4 at Pioneer Pool
- Y5 / 6 Swim Safe week postponed to Term 4 Waltham Pool
- Y7 / 8 Ski trip cancelled
- Y7 / 8 Koru Games cancelled
At this point in time the Y5 / 6 Camp at Living Springs is still going ahead. The Camp has assured us they have the safety measures in place to continue at Level 2 if needed. Please contact Hamish if you would like further information.
A reminder that school will be closed next week on Friday 4th September due to our Teacher Only Day.
Thank you for your ongoing support during these uncertain times.