St Martins School PTA

A strong parent community to support the school in providing a healthy positive environment and greater learning opportunities for the children.

Incorporated Society #220377

The St Martins School PTA is the parent community that helps the school by fundraising, giving practical support and by bringing together the school community through events.

Our website:

Join us on Facebook: St Martins School PTA (formerly S’Mart Community)

The St Martins School PTA is an Incorporated Society which benefits from being a charitable entity. We operate under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

How Can You Participate?

Come along to a PTA meeting: Meetings are generally held twice a term. Coming to a PTA meeting is a great way to get to know your St Martins School community. Information on meeting dates can be found in the school newsletters and website calendar.

Respond to the requests for help: All events require support from parents / caregivers to ensure smooth running. Please look out for communications for requests to help through the school newsletter and Hero emails.

Join the MEALS and BAKING Database: The PTA co-ordinates a meals and baking database of people willing to be asked to make a meal or do baking when a family is in need. If you would like to join this support network, please email

School Fundraising

Payments towards school fundraising and events can be made to:

St Martins School PTA bank account: “St Martins School PTA”  12-3147-0420521-00.

To identify your payment, please reference the following against your payment:

  • Your Full Name
  • What the payment is for

If your business would like to offer a fundraising opportunity to the PTA, please email us:

St Martins School PTA Meeting Schedule 2024

Staff Room at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated:

  • Monday 12 February
  • Monday 18 March
  • Monday 6 May – AGM
  • Monday 24 June
  • Monday 12 August
  • Monday 16 September
  • Monday 21 October
  • Monday 25 November

PTA Minutes

Contact Us
