Dear Parents and Caregivers,

No doubt you have heard the news that we continue to be in Alert L2. We look forward to the school resources having a sleepover for the weekend and boeing returned on Monday.

Our Saturday working bee can continue at L2.  The mulch has been delivered so we are all good to go.  Hope to see you tomorrow 2 – 4pm.  Please remember to bring a wheel barrow and shovel if you can.  For Y7 / 8 children participating in the William Pike Challenge, this could be counted towards your 20 hours of community service.

As we mentioned earlier today, Pioneer Pool will not be able to have us for our Water Safety sessions next week at Alert L2.  We will need to keep our togs at home.

Have a lovely L2 weekend, we look forward to seeing you on Monday or at the working bee tomorrow.


Andrew )