Music Lessons
Music is something of a tradition at St Martins School. Consequently we are most fortunate to be able to provide music lessons for a wide range of instruments. Music tuition is available at school through the subsidised itinerant music programme, other lessons are available privately
Itinerant Music Programme (OOHM)
For many years St Martins School has been part of the Christchurch schools itinerant music programme (OOHM). This provides a wonderful opportunity for children to access learning in music via lessons that are subsidised by the Ministry of Education. The only cost to families is the hire of the instrument and any consumables or repairs/maintenance required during the time of hire. The school also has instruments available for hire. The instruments we currently offer lessons in are: Violin, Trumpet, Cello, Clarinet and Saxophone and Flute.
If you would like more information please contact us on
Private Lessons
Private lessons are held at school, but paid for privately. Please contact the following providers directly:
- Monster Music – Drums, Guitar, Ukulele
- Piano with Yvonne Tikao –